Projects Completed

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Local Operators

Connect and expand your telecommunications business with our specialised services for small local operators. At VDI Channel we understand the unique needs of telecommunications companies at the local and regional level. we are proud to offer customised solutions that will drive your success.

National Operators

Develop your operator's potential at national level. with our state-of-the-art telecommunications services. At VDI Channel we understand the importance of providing scalable and quality solutions to large-scale operators, and we are proud to offer services that will boost your success on a national scale.

Global Operators

VDI Channel comes to partnership agreements with the major Global Operators in different countries, so that they can offer our fibre networks to customers such as OTT's or Hyperscalers across the Iberian Penins. As well as comprehensive communication, data transmission and capacity services.


Big companies such as, for example, multi-headquartered companies contract the services of VDI Channel to connect your different workplaces. Our networks offer high speeds and maximum security to prevent cyber-attacks and enable them to integrate IA systems into their daily processes.


Large companies such as OTT's or HyperscalaresThe Carriers, i.e. leading search engines, Internet service providers, content companies or large Internet sales companies who contract through our partners and who will in turn be the Carriers of the services that we offer. meet your needs on our networks.


Within some sectors where we understand that we can add valueas well as functionality, self-management of the business, increased security and assurance The following are the main reasons for the reduction of image custody and the significant reduction in infrastructure costs. CRAs, integrators and operators


System Integrators have with communication services of VDI Channel to complement the global offering that they market/provide to their customers. We are based on a partnership model, working together to meet the needs of the end customer.

It provides an additional and complementary source of income, incorporating the offer of dedicated capacity circuits and VSAT solutions to your portfolio, with the aim of building customer loyalty.

Data Centre

Data centres in the Iberian Peninsula are proliferating and will continue to do so in the coming years, as they are responsible for storing large volumes of data, both for large companies and for entertainment and social networking platforms, which need a new infrastructure to support this large volume of data, with minimum latency and maximum security.

Data Centre solutions are based on three important proposals of value:

      • Engineering projectData Centre design and implementation.
      • Communications networks project for the linking of two or more Data Centres.
      • Connectivity solutions for partners hosted in Data Centres.